When teeth are lost, dental implants are an almost permanent option. They are highly functional and aesthetically pleasing replacements for your original teeth. Sometimes, people wonder if implants would get stained just like natural teeth.
Implants are not indestructible just because they are stain-resistant. Implants might not get cavities like natural teeth, but they still have the potential to become discolored. Properly caring for your implants, as you would your natural teeth, will help keep them from discoloring, according to a dentist in west Newton, MA.
How to discolor dental implants
Dental implants are meticulously crafted to mimic the appearance of your original teeth, down to the color match. The porcelain used to make them is known for its strength, durability, and resistance to stains. Assuming you take good care of the porcelain glaze, your implants should remain stain-free. But acid fluoride and abrasive toothpaste will ruin the coating. Discoloration develops as a result of this process.
While the implant itself may remain brilliant, the bonding substance that secures it to your bone may take on a different hue. In such a case, we can polish the implants to eliminate discoloration and bring back their luster.
When do dental implants become stained?
Stains can be effectively prevented on all types of teeth with regular dental care. For optimal oral health, you should brush your teeth twice a day, floss once, and rinse your mouth with a mouthwash that dentists have approved.
The nicotine and tar in tobacco products can discolor teeth, turning them a dismal shade of brown or yellow. To make matters worse, if you smoke, it can slow down the healing of your implant. Get off the cigarette a good chunk of time before your implant procedure if you are planning on getting implants.
You can also darken your teeth by consuming foods and drinks that are high in tannins. Among the foods that are rich in tannins are berries, red wine, coffee, and tea. In addition to potentially discoloring your teeth, tannins damage them when combined with acid. If you still can not bear to give up your morning coffee, at least clean your teeth or gargle with water right after you drink it.
To speed up the staining process, use an abrasive toothpaste. Toothpaste can damage dental implants by creating microscopic abrasions that can etch discoloration into the tooth enamel and wear down the protective coating. To ensure the safety of your dental implants, your dentist can suggest mild toothpaste and other oral hygiene products.
The last thing you want to do is promote staining by not rinsing your mouth or brushing your teeth after every meal. Implants are vulnerable to acids and chemicals found in even seemingly healthy foods.
Even though dental implants have the potential to discolor, if you follow these guidelines, you can keep them looking great and even protect your natural teeth from discoloration!
Are you a good candidate for dental implants?
Have dental implants been considered for you? Your dentist can assist you in getting new teeth when the time comes. Find out if dental implants are right for you and how to keep them stain-free once you get them by scheduling a consultation.